What is my teamviewer id and passwordFind

What Is Teamviewer Id

If you have forgotten your TeamViewer account password, you can request a password reset in the TeamViewer software or in the TeamViewer Management Console. Read this article to learn what to do, if you forgot your TeamViewer account password. TeamViewer has simplified many aspects of remotely supporting users, but many users still have trouble providing the TeamViewer ID so that support can begin! Luckily, this KB Article (as simple as it sounds) goes through all the steps anyone should ever have to follow in order to find the correct Teamviewer ID to provide to support technicians. TeamViewer is legitimate software, which allows Trusted tech people to gain unrestricted access your computer. However, an unsolicited phone call from some guy claiming your system is compromised is a SCAM - and evidently still vey much active. I've received two such calls this year, the most recent was last night.


Teamviewer Id And Password

@ christopher4 or whom it may concern I have tried the scripts over domain and changed the info as you have described below 'You just need to change the Version (it Currently has 5 and 5.1) and they need to be changed for lines 95,100,106, and 112. You also need to put your domain name where it says domain.local on line 15' However I got all computers name (about 1000+ computers on the domain) but did not get the teamviewer ID. Also I did not receive any error. Our teamviewer ID version = 9 Below are example of what I have received in log. B039706 one was my PC from where I ran the script. And I got my teamviewer ID only but not for rest of the computers Could you please advise am doing any thing wrong? I am rusty with .vbs but if you can tell me with line number which I need to modify etc/or your advise...then I'd like to try again. Your/(or who may assist) assistance would be much much appreciated Current Workstation ID: B039677 11:14:10 AM 14/07/2015 Teamviewer ID: No Teamviewer ID ---------------------------------------- Current Workstation ID: B039679 11:14:18 AM 14/07/2015 Teamviewer ID: No Teamviewer ID ---------------------------------------- Current Workstation ID: B039706 11:14:19 AM 14/07/2015 Teamviewer ID:249914756 ---------------------------------------- Current Workstation ID: B039708 11:14:24 AM 14/07/2015 Teamviewer ID: No Teamviewer ID ----------------------------------------