Dear viewers, WE ARE NOT ISKCON PEOPLE, PLEASE DON'T ASSUME WRONG THINGS BY THE KIDS' TILAK and TULSIMALA. After watching this video, if any viewers ha. Imaging during Sudarshan Kriya, there is a large body of data on voluntary hyperventilation in humans, mechanical ventilation in brain injured patients, animal models of hyperventilation under anesthesia, and in vitro preparations of hippocampal slices. Clinically hyperventilation has been used either to activate the EEG in order to identify epileptic. Sudarshan Kriya may work like mechanical hyperventilation and electronic unilateral VNS which lead to stimulation of thalamic nuclei resulting in quieting of frontal cerebral cortex. T The Ujjayi practice makes the practitioner feel calm. The proposed mechanism would be a shift to parasympathetic dominance via vagal stimulation. Sudarshan Kriya acts as a hyperventilation quickening of inspiration and expiration cycle method that ultimately results in reducing the impact of over-stimulation on the frontal lobes benefirs promotes a sense of quietness in the practitioner. Sudarshan Kriya may work like mechanical hyperventilation and electronic unilateral VNS which lead to stimulation of thalamic nuclei resulting in quieting of frontal cerebral cortex. T The Ujjayi practice makes the practitioner feel calm. The proposed mechanism would be a shift to parasympathetic dominance via vagal stimulation.

  1. Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation Test
  2. Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation Symptoms
  3. Sudarshan Kriya Counts

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
13 May 1956 (age 58)
Papanasam, Tamil Nadu, India
PhilosophyAdvaita Vedanta
Literary worksCelebrating Silence, An Intimate Guide to Sincere Seeker, God Loves Fun, Ashtavarka Gita, Patanjali Yoga Sutras etc.
QuotationMy Vision is a violence free, stress free world.[1]

Ravi Shankar, commonly known as Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, was born on 13 May 1956. He is also frequently referred to simply as 'Sri Sri' (honorific) or as Guruji or Gurudev.[2] He is a spiritual leader and founder of the Art of Living Foundation, which aims to relieve individual stress, societal problems, and violence. In 1997, he established a Geneva-based charity, the International Association for Human Values, an NGO that engages in relief work and rural development and aims to foster shared global values. In 2009, Shankar was named by Forbes Magazine as the fifth most powerful leader in India.[3] He was involved in the movement demanding a strong lokpal bill.[4][5]

  • 2Philosophy and teachings
  • 4Social initiatives


Ravi Shankar was born in Papanasam, Tamil Nadu to Smt. Visalakshi Ratnam and R. S. Venkat Ratnam, who was then active in the automobile business. He belongs to the Iyer Brahmin community.[6][7] He was named 'Ravi' (a common Indian name meaning 'sun') because his birth was on a Sunday, and 'Shankar' after the eighth-century Hindu saint, Adi Shankara. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Bangalore University[8] (St. Joseph's College[9]).

After graduation, Shankar traveled with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and was invited by Maharishi to give talks on Vedic science, arrange conferences on the Vedas and science, and set up Ayurveda centers.[10] He was with the Maharishi at the inauguration of the first of the Golden Domes at Maharishi International University.[11] In the 1980s, Shankar initiated a series of practical and experiential courses in spirituality around the globe. He says that his rhythmic breathing exercise, Sudarshan Kriya, came to him in 1982 'like a poem, an inspiration' after a ten-day period of silence on the banks of the Bhadra River in Shimoga, state of Karnataka, adding, 'I learned it and started teaching it'.[12]

Shankar says that every emotion has a corresponding rhythm in the breath and regulating breath could help relieve personal suffering.[13] After realizing Sudarshan Kriya, Shankar started sharing it with others through the Art of Living course, first held in Shimoga, Karnataka.

Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation Test

Shankar inspired his father and several other prominent citizens of Bangalore to found Ved Vignan Maha Vidya Peeth, an education and charitable trust, in 1981[14]. Under the auspices of this trust, he opened a school south of Bangalore for local rural children. The school now provides free education for 2,000 such children.[15]

In 1983, Shankar held the first Art of Living course in Europe in Switzerland. In 1986, he travelled to Apple Valley, California in the USA to conduct the first course to be held in North America.[16]

Philosophy and teachings


Shankar teaches that spirituality is that which enhances human values such as love, compassion and enthusiasm. It is not limited to any one religion or culture. Hence it is open to all people. He feels the spiritual bond we share as part of the human family is more prominent than nationality, gender, religion, profession, or other identities that separate us.[17]

In Shankar's view, 'Violence-free society, disease-free body, quiver-free breath, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory, and sorrow-free soul is the birthright of every human being.'[18]

According to him, science and spirituality are linked and compatible, both springing from the urge to know. The question, 'Who am I?' leads to spirituality; the question, 'What is this?' leads to science. Emphasizing that joy is only available in the present moment, his stated vision is to create a world free of stress and violence. His programs are said to offer practical tools to help accomplish this. He sees breath as the link between body and mind, and a tool to relax the mind, emphasizing the importance of both meditation/spiritual practice and service to others. In his view, 'Truth is spherical rather than linear; so it has to be contradictory.'[19]

Sudarshan Kriya

Sudarshan Kriya (Sanskrit: सुदर्शन क्रियाsudarśana-kriyā) is a 'breathing-based technique'[20] that is a core component of the Art of Living courses and 'the cornerstone of . . . Art of Living Foundation's trauma relief programs'.[20] It involves 'Ujjayi breathing' and 'Bhastrika' in 'Vajrasana' followed by rhythmic breathing in 'Sukhasana'.[21]

A number of medical studies on its preparatory practices have been published in international peer-reviewed journals.[22] A range of mental and physical benefits are reported in these studies, including reduced levels of stress (reduced cortisol—the 'stress' hormone), improved immune system, relief from anxiety and depression (mild, moderate, and severe),[23] increased antioxidant protection, and enhanced brain function (increased mental focus, calmness and recovery from stressful stimuli), among other findings.[24] Persons enrolling for the courses sign a non-disclosure agreement with an undertaking not to teach the learned techniques (including Sudarshan Kriya) to other people without taking Teacher's Training.

According to Bharti Verma, M.D., in The Way of Grace, by David Lucas Burge and Gary Boucherle, 'Sudarshan Kriya is not hyperventilation. The process is unlike hyperventilation and seems much more complex in its nature. A person hyperventilating will often experience lightheadedness, blurred vision, muscle spasms of hands and feet, a general feeling of being unwell, fainting and loss of consciousness. In contrast, course participants learning Sudarshan Kriya report a state of deep relaxation while feeling rejuvenated and re-energized. Clearly the experiences of persons practicing Sudarshan Kriya are exactly the opposite of what a hyperventilating exercise would be expected to produce.'[25]

Peace and humanitarian work

Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation

In the 1990s, Shankar initiated a number of humanitarian projects, which continue to this date under the auspices of the Art of Living Foundation and its numerous national organizations.

In 1992, he started a prison program[26] to rehabilitate prison inmates and help them reintegrate into the mainstream.[27]

In 1997, he began the International Association for Human Values, a humanitarian organization, and its 5H program, which aims to bring sustainable development to rural areas and revive human values.[28]

Sudarshan kriya hyperventilation meditation

He visited Pakistan in 2004[29] and Iraq (at the invitation of Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki) in 2007[30] and met with political and religious leaders to promote global peace.

He is involved in interfaith dialogue and currently sits on the Board of World Religious Leaders for the Elijah Interfaith Institute.[31]

His volunteers assisted the 2004 tsunami victims, Hurricane Katrina victims, in Haiti, and many other regions of conflict and natural disaster.[32]

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Through interfaith summits in 2008 and 2010, he has been engaging faith-based leaders for collective action against HIV.[33] In July 2013 at a meeting in UNAIDS headquarters in Geneva, issues including HIV prevention, gender based violence, stigma and discrimination were discussed.[34]

Social initiatives

Volunteer For a Better India

The Art of Living, with UN Agencies, NGOs and civil society, launched Volunteer For a Better India (VFABI) on December 5, 2012. 'Give one hour to the nation. The country has problems because good people are apathetic. Youth must take charge and Volunteer for a Better India', Shankar appealed.[35] VFABI is involved in many activities, including protest against the 2012 Delhi gang rape case.[36] In May 2013, through one hundred eight free health camps organized in collaboration with the Indian Medical Association, 1,634 volunteers distributed medicines worth Rs. 22 Lakh under the guidance of 262 doctors to over 20,000 slum dwellers in Delhi.[37]

'NONVIO' Movement

NONVIO was launched as a nation-wide movement by Shankar's foundation in March 2013 with the aim of eliminating violence. It encourages individuals to pledge one act of non-violence through different social and online media[38] and adopt nonviolent principles in government, public health, and media.[39] Guitar rig 5 presets metal.

Awards and Recognition

  • Gandhi, King, Ikeda Community Builders Prize[40]
  • Highest civilian award 'National Order of Merito de Comuneros, Paraguay, Sept 13, 2012[41][42]
  • Illustrious citizen by the Paraguayan Municipality, Sept 12, 2012[43]
  • Illustrious guest of the city of Asuncion, Paraguay, Sept 12, 2012[43]
  • Tiradentes Medal, the highest honor from Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, Sept. 3, 2012[44]
  • The Sivananda World Peace award, Sivananda Foundation, South Africa, Aug. 26, 2012[45]
  • Crans Montana Forum Award, Brussels, June 24, 2011[46][47]
  • Culture in Balance Award, World Culture Forum, Dresden Germany, October 10, 2009[48]
  • Phoenix Award, Atlanta, USA, 2008[49]
  • Honorary Citizenship and Goodwill Ambassador, Houston, USA, 2008[49]
  • Proclamation of Commendation, New Jersey, 2008[50]
  • Sant Shri Dnyaneshwara World Peace Prize, Pune, India, Jan 11, 2007[51]
  • Order of the Pole Star, Mongolia, 2006[52]
  • Bharat Shiromani Award, New Delhi, India, 2005[53]
  • Doctorate - Universidad Autónoma de Asunción of Paraguay,[41] Buenos Aires University, Argentina; Siglo XXI University Campus, Cordoba, Argentina; Nyenrode University,[54] Netherlands; Gyan Vihar University, Jaipur;[55] Kuvempu University, India


In 2012, Ravi Shankar, while attending a function in Jaipur, claimed that Indian government schools are breeding grounds for Naxalism, a movement of militant communist groups in India declared to be terrorist organisations. Miracle box ver 2.71 download free. His comments were condemned by educators and ministers as 'unfortunate and illogical.' Later, Shankar issued a clarification that he didn't mean that all government schools breed Naxalism.[56][57]


Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation Symptoms

Ravi Shankar has authored the following books:

  • An Intimate Note to the Sincere Seeker; Vol. 1: ISBN 1-885289-29-4, Vol. 2: ISBN 1-885289-30-8, Vol. 3: ISBN 1-885289-33-2, Vol. 4: ISBN 1-885289-36-7, Vol. 5: ISBN 1-885289-38-3, Vol. 6: ISBN 1-885289-40-5, Vol. 7: ISBN 1-885289-41-3
  • Buddha: manifestation of silence ISBN 81-89291-91-2
  • 1999 – Be A Witness: The Wisdom of the Upanishads, 106 pp. ISBN 81-7621-063-3
  • 2000 – God Loves Fun, 138 pp. ISBN 1-885289-05-7
  • 2001 – Celebrating Silence: Excerpts from Five Years of Weekly Knowledge 1995–2000, 206 pp. ISBN 1-885289-39-1
  • Celebrating Love ISBN 1-885289-42-1
  • 2005 – Narada Bhakti Sutra, 129 pp. ISBN 81-7811-029-6
  • Hinduism & Islam, the common thread, 34 pp



Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation

Sudarshan Kriya Counts

  • Gautier, François, The Guru of Joy. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar & the Art of Living, Carlsbad, California, Hay House, Inc., 2008. ISBN 978-1-4019-1761-6 (First edition: India, Books Today, 2002. ISBN 81-87478-42-X)
  • Michael Fischman, Stumbling into Infinity. ISBN 978-1-6003-7648-1
  • Frederique Lebelley, Walking the Path. ISBN 978-9-3805-9223-7
  • Journal of Dharma

External links

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Sudarshan Kriya Hyperventilation
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