1. Sheldon Pollock Rajiv Malhotra Thakur
  2. Rajiv Malhotra Do
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  4. Being Different Rajiv Malhotra

This entry was posted in Battle for sanskrit and tagged Bhagavad gita, Indian Kavya, Indian Understanding, Indian wisdom, Paramarthika, Rajiv Malhotra, Rohan Murty, Sanskrit, Sheldon Pollock, Vyavaharika on March 20, 2016 by architbharadwaj. This entry was posted in Battle for sanskrit and tagged Bhagavad gita, Indian Kavya, Indian Understanding, Indian wisdom, Paramarthika, Rajiv Malhotra, Rohan Murty, Sanskrit, Sheldon Pollock, Vyavaharika on March 20, 2016 by architbharadwaj. Analysis of Pollock’s position on Shastras Follow Rajiv Malhotra's official page on facebook. TV summary: Sheldon Pollock writes, “All Indian learning perceives itself and indeed presents itself largely as commentary on the primordial sastras.”.

On Friday, 3 March 2017 00:42:17 UTC+5:30, Nagaraj Paturi wrote:Come on, Dr Gargeshwari, the book TBFS and the question of problem with Sheldon Pollock are not at all analogous to Western Philosophy and Eastern Philodsophy.
'It like saying when I ask 'what is the problem with Sri Rajiv Malhotra? I get an answer read Prof. Pollock's and his writings' is another bad analogy. If it was advised to read all books of Sri Rajiv Malhotra or some book of Sri Malhotra not connected to Prof. Pollock, the analogy would have been right.
But the book TBFS is directly related to the question of what is the problem with Sheldon Pollock. It in fact is focused on that very question.
So your analogies are totally misplaced and wrong.
You could have said there are so many other articles and books (if there are) dealing with the question of what is the problem with Sheldon Pollock ; why recommend only the book TBFS ?

On Fri, Mar 3, 2017 at 12:26 AM, ajit.gargeshwari wrote:
The reason for this is when the question 'What is the problem with Sheldon Pollock ?' was asked the answer given was read read 'Battle of Sanskrit' by Rajiv Malhotra.
It like saying when I ask 'what is the problem with Sri Rajiv Malhotra? I get an answer read Prof. Pollock's and his writings.Let me give another analogy What is the problem with Western Philosophy the answer would be Please read Eastern Philosophy.
Ajit Gargeshwari

On Friday, 3 March 2017 00:16:02 UTC+5:30, Nagaraj Paturi wrote:
Title of the thread is 'What is the problem with Sheldon Pollock ?'
It seems to be going in the direction of 'what is the problem with Sri Rajiv Malhotra? '
Rajiv malhotra books
On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 7:45 PM, Kalyan K wrote:
And Sri Nityanandji, I will be sure to read your review too, after completing the book. Thanks for the link and for presenting an alternate perspective.
Best Regards

Sheldon Pollock Rajiv Malhotra Thakur

FLAME School of Communication and FLAME School of Liberal Education,
(Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA )

Rajiv Malhotra Do


Rajiv Malhotra Youtube

FLAME School of Communication and FLAME School of Liberal Education,

Being Different Rajiv Malhotra

(Pune, Maharashtra, INDIA )